Military School
Loại Dự án | Quốc gia | Diện tích | Hình thức sử dụng |
Quân Đội | Singapore | 400 m² | à Tần suất sử dụng cao |
Majority of new recruits begin their two years of National Service in an Island called ‘Tekong’ – a mandate for all male citizens of Singapore. There are four Basic Military Training (BMT) schools each having a dedicated strength conditioning centre of approx. 400 sqm. Star Trac’s ‘Instinct series’ were selected mostly for the smaller muscle groups and ‘Impact series’ for the larger ones. Due to the difference in stack weight capacity between the series’ – Impact having a heavier capacity; the mix of these two series’ gave the Military a solution that had the price point and yet fulfilling their needs.
à Sản phẩm sử dụng trong dự án này: